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- From the Principal
- Reminders!!
- CADET Term 1 Abseiling Camp
- Year 8 Drama!!
- Bridgetown HS P&C Notice
- Bridgetown Tennis Club
- Bridgetown Leisure Centre - Mixed Soccer!
- 2025 Saver Plus
- South West Youth Fest 2024
- Bunbury Eisteddfod
- - swimming week!
- Camp Hero Flyer
- Discover Cricket
- Tapeball - Bunbury
- Imperials Junior Football Club
Hello Everyone,
The first 6 weeks of term have flown by and I believe we have had a wonderful start to the year. So far, the students have shown a willingness to settle into their learning for the year with enthusiasm and can be commended on the maturity and respect they are showing not only their teachers and other school staff, but also each other. Last week’s swimming carnival was a case in point, with student attendance, behaviour and participation being very positive. I saw a number of students on the day, show support and kindness to others and this was not only heart-warming, but also a reminder of the pleasure of working with young adults that is the best part of my job.
Year 7 and 9 students will begin their NAPLAN testing next week. This annual testing is a requirement for all students in these year groups and it is important that they give their best effort in all of test areas of Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy. I would encourage parents to discuss the testing with your student and reassure them that all that is required is for them to give their best effort on the testing days. Ensuring that your student has a good night’s rest and eats breakfast is important every day, but particularly at test times. Results for the tests will be available later in the year.
Thank you to those parents who have already paid their Fees and Charges and Voluntary Contributions this year. We do really rely on this revenue to assist with delivering our quality programs and experiences for your child. If you have not yet paid but would like to discuss a payment plan with Camille, our friendly Manager of Corporate Services, please give her a call on 97610103 or contact her by email on A reminder that it is a requirement that all outstanding monies be paid, or a payment plan in place, before students can participate in optional events such as Country Week.
We currently have 10 Year 10 students attending Southwest TAFE on Wednesdays each week. These students are completing Cert 1 courses in Engineering (Metals) and Business which gives them a great head start to further qualifications in these areas in upper school. It also makes them very competitive in seeking apprenticeships or traineeships. We also have several students completing a day per week of work placement. This scheme also puts these students ahead of others when learning valuable skills firsthand in the workplace. Ms Phillips does an excellent job assisting both groups of students, so please let her know if these opportunities are something you would like to know more about. She can be contacted by email on
Please save the date for our end of term assembly to be held at 9:00am on 28th March in the school library. We will have some top-class student music performances, as well as our usual opportunity to celebrate the success of our students with certificates, so please make a plan to come along and join us.
Best wishes
Mrs C. A Thorsby
The Year 8s, in Drama, developed positive group dynamics through fun activities. Here are some snaps of them participating in a trust activity - Minefield.
Students have to be responsible for each other's welfare and kindly take care of each other, not letting each other step on the 'bombs'.
They need to be good at giving instructions. It also takes a bit of resilience and courage to put trust in others and not take the blindfold off!
They did a fantastic job... and not too many blew up.
Could you use an extra $500 towards school costs in 2025?
The Saver Plus Program is about boosting financial skills, to develop (and keep) good savings habits.
You can put money towards education expenses including:
- Computers, laptops, and tablets
- Books, uniforms & shoes
- Sports & music, camps, excursions, and more…
If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it. $500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months).
Visit for more details.